Mammoth, Woolly Mammoth, New Mexico, bones, Timothy Rowe

Mammoth Bones in Scientist’s Backyard Suggest Humans in New Mexico 36,000+ Years Ago

“I have yet to fully process the cosmic coincidence of this site appearing in my back yard,” Paleontologist Timothy Rowe wrote Continue reading Mammoth Bones in Scientist’s Backyard Suggest Humans in New Mexico 36,000+ Years Ago

Blue grouper, military, sea life sounds, darpa

Military Listens to Sea Life Sounds to Detect Threats – Could Spare Whales

A military project uses underwater mics to listen to sea life. By doing so, they can detect human threats and spare whales from deadly military sonar. Bonus: The tech could help scientists understand the human impact on ocean life. Continue reading Military Listens to Sea Life Sounds to Detect Threats – Could Spare Whales

Brain, hemispheres, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

We Are ‘Energy Beings’ Connected Through Consciousness of Brain’s Right Hemisphere, Says Neuroscientist

Neuroscientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor described feeling connected to the consciousness of everything after a stroke shifted focus to her right brain hemisphere. Continue reading We Are ‘Energy Beings’ Connected Through Consciousness of Brain’s Right Hemisphere, Says Neuroscientist

Planetary Intelligence, Mother Nature, Gaia

Shift to ‘Planetary Intelligence’ Could Help Save Earth and Find ET Civilizations

Researchers suggest Planetary Intelligence, similar to the Gaia hypothesis, may be true while health organizations call for ‘One Health,’ recognizing all life is connected. Continue reading Shift to ‘Planetary Intelligence’ Could Help Save Earth and Find ET Civilizations

DMT survey, beings, psychedelics, encounters, aliens, elves, extraterrestrials

Beings and Entities People Encounter on DMT More ‘Real’ than Reality

A recent survey of DMT users reveals life-changing encounters with beings described differently. The researchers noted that DMT encounters shared much in common with alien-abduction and near-death experiences. Continue reading Beings and Entities People Encounter on DMT More ‘Real’ than Reality